Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This week in class I did a lab about air pressure. The lab was very fun. First, we put a little bit of water in a soda can. Then we put it on the kitchen stove until the water started boiling. Then, the kid with the heat gloves on took the tongs, picked up the soda can, and flip it over in a bowl of ice cold water. The can immediately crumpled itself. This happened because when the can was on the stove the water inside it was expanding and the molecules were moving around really quickly. When the can was put in the ice cold water, the water suddenly stopped moving as fast and the pressure in the can decreased dramatically, causing it to collapse. All in all, it was a really intriguing lab.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Popcorn Lab

Today in class we did a lab about radiation. For the lab, we put some kernels in a brown bag, and put them inside a microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. When we took the  brown bag out, the kernels popped into white, fluffy popcorn! How you ask? Well, the microwave makes heat radiation that heats up the small part of water inside a kernel until it expands into a water vapor. This causes the rest of the kernel to also expand, eventually breaking the outer shell and POPPING. In conclusion, the popping of popcorn is a cool, yet scientific process.